
~Sit a spell

Lost in conversation
Just talking to yourself
All the dreams are memories
Just sitting on a shelf

Is the road just winding
Or have you reached the end
What’s definite is change
That awaits around the bend

Is this just a chapter
Or maybe the whole book
Is there more to learn
On the path that others took

Only you can answer
The questions that you pose
And if the path ahead
Differs from the one you chose
Poem by Robert Longley

What an apt poem for what I’ve been feeling lately. I started blogging wayyy back when. I would do hunts then post the pictures of the hunt prizes so that people knew what they were getting. It started out as a hobby, something to do. Then it started into a passion. I love blogging, I love bringing new things to the grid. But as more and more people began to blog.. I found myself comparing myself to everyone else and that became probably my biggest downfall. I doubt myself constantly. I push deadlines not because I don’t love what I’m blogging but because I lose my inspiration. NOT the product of what I’m blogging, all my sponsors are truly amazing creators and I have loved being able to blog their items. I just don’t think I am doing them any favors or the blog team any favors by being late, pushing deadlines or not being able to give it my 100% It’s never an easy decision to stop doing something you love but with a heavy heart I’ve decided to retire from blogging (AGAIN!) I love taking pictures and will still buy all the things, and support all my creators and their creations. I just won’t be doing in depth blogs like I have been.

I want to thank all of my sponsors for their support, to Cedric who gives up many an hour while I put together scenes, looks, and then spend HOURS editing and writing the blog itself. Maybe someday I’ll return again but do it differently. I don’t know, but I know right now… my passion has fizzled and I need to find myself again. I’ll be taking a break from SL for awhile or not logging in everyday as I have been. When I’ve been away lately, I don’t really miss it. I am missing LIFE and doing things that don’t mean sitting at my computer for hours on end and spending money that I need to be saving for our future. I’m not giving up being a blog manager. Ally is stuck with me forever, I just will be doing alot more behind the scenes.


[Ds] Gravitas – Garden Chair Adult Kink v1.0 (Purple) | Dee (dictatorshop)
[Ds] Gravitas – Garden Chair Adult Vanilla v1.0 (Orange)
[Ds] Gravitas – Side Table Round Decor v1.0
Paper Moon Pumpkin Tree Cages – (L & S) – Galaxy | Sohma G. Dawling (sohma.dix)
pm Pumpkin Tree Cages – (L) – Betelgeuse *Trick or Treat Lane Hunt gift*

TLG – Harvest Sunflower Wreath | Sharni Azalee
LOVE – WALL BUTTERFLIES – AUTUMN | Krys (krystali.rabeni)
Ariskea[Calmly] Camomille basket [Decor] | maplesyrup (aris.pancake)
{what next} Fall Woodland Drinks (Coffee) | Winter Thorn
{what next} Fall Woodland Cookies (log)

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